With the elections upon there must be better political ads out there than what I'm currently seeing on my site. So by way of summoning the ads from the great beyond I begin my incantation:
Mama Grizzly and Baby Grizzly were walking quickly through the woods. They were late to the tea party and were quite embarrassed as they were to be the honored guests. But Mama Grizzly had been up late discussing income taxes, liquor laws, and other issues with Mr. Fox.
Mama Grizzly liked Mr. Fox, he always agreed with her and paid her very well. Though his house was always full of foolish blonds who reminded her of an unpleasant experience she had had years ago when she had come home to find a blond girl sleeping in her house. Papa Bear had sworn he had never seen her before in his life, but Mama had noticed a few too many blond hairs around the house before and this was the final straw. She took baby bear and moved back in with her mother, reassuming her maiden name, Grizzly.
Sorry, I have to end the story right there because being on the subject of smart ads this is too apropos too pass up. When I was making sure I was spelling "Blonds" correctly (get off my back I'm always afraid of the silent e) I noticed these interesting related searches when you type "blonds" into dictionary.com
I worry about the young generation. I never had to deal with those sorts of distractions when I looked things up in the dictionary.
look who decided to blog again. thank you.